
All businesses understand the difficulty of standing out in the crowd. In today's fast-moving economy, it has never been more important to set yourself apart from the competition, but the method of doing so isn't always clear. However, there's one thing businesses can do that has proven to be widely successful: put corporate social responsibility at the forefront of their efforts. As a business owner, you have the opportunity to do a great deal of good for young people in your local community by supporting our school with sponsorship. At the same time, you'll benefit from increased brand recognition and loyalty. # Do Well By Doing Good Did you know that technology giant IBM makes three dollars for every dollar it invests in corporate citizenship? It goes to show that there's money to be made in enriching your community through sponsorship. Helping to make our projects a reality for children could generate substantial publicity for your business with relatively little investment. # Touch the Heart of Your Community Think of the cost of launching a marketing campaign that targets the hundreds of parents, grandparents, friends, and families that make up our school community. Now compare that expense against the cost of sponsoring one of our school's projects. Put simply, there's no better way to reach such an all-encompassing audience with a highly positive message. # Gaining by Giving Increased brand awareness is just one half of the story. In a recent global survey, market measurers Nielsen found that more than half of the people they asked were willing to pay extra for products and services from companies committed to making a positive social impact. That's an increase from 50% in 2012, and 45% in 2011. The demand for socially responsible business is growing - why not put your company at the forefront by contacting our school about sponsorship today?

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